>BAPI - FICA messages for BAPI

The following messages are stored in message class >BAPI: FICA messages for BAPI.
It is part of development package FKKB in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Contract A/R & A/P: Central Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Internal error - table of changes
001Different line in change parameter
002Fill parameter &1
003Valid values for 'PROCESSING_MODE' (Change): '01' Create, '04' Delete
004Valid values for 'Detail type': ' ', 'L', 'C'
005Specify the currency or ISO currency for the amount
006Fill field &1
007Contract account &1 does not exist
008Currency "&1" is blank, "&2" cannot be converted
009Valid value for 'PROCESSING_MODE'(Create): '01' Create
010Value '&1' for 'LOCK_TYPE' is not allowed
011Lock reason '&2' for process '&1' is not permitted
012Item &1 &2 &3 either does not exist or is cleared
013You must enter at least one main selection
014Field '&1' is not a possible selection
015Field "&1" must be used in "AmountSelections"
016Field "&1" must be used in "ValueSelections"
017Missing currency key in "AmountSelections"
018Selection interval is not permitted for fields "&1"
019Key date is not valid or lies in the past
020Structure &1 incompatible with line &2 of parameters "EXTENSIONIN"
021Key "&1" from "EXTENSIONIN" is not available in table "&2"
022Valid value for "PROCESSING_MODE" (Create): "I" Insert
023Valid values for "PROCESSING_MODE" (Change): "I" Insert, "D" Delete
024To date of a block is in the past
025Document changes were not executed
026Document header contains no data
027No payment found for additional selection &1 &2
028Job could not be scheduled
029ISO code '&1' cannot be converted
030No further reconciliation keys available
031Earmarked funds are not created
032Provider contract &1 does not exist
033Product &1 does not exist
034Clearing of document &1 not possible due to clearing lock &2
035Make an entry in either parameter &1 or &2
036No clearing possible if currencies are different (&1, &2)
037Total of items is not zero: clearing is not possible
038No credit card data has been specified.
039Data has been specified for several payment cards.
040Tax items cannot be calculated from G/L items.
041Unexpected error while reading open items
043The combination of card data not possible with the payt service provider.
044(Re-)payment to payment service provider only with the relevant payt ref.
045Invalid value for 'PROCESSING_MODE'.
046Value '&1' for 'PROCESS_ID' is not permitted.
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